Eggscellent news — a new Minecraft snapshot has been announced! Let’s get into the changes you can eggspect…
New designs for spawn eggs
After fourteen years of spawn eggs looking like regular eggs with polka dots, Minecraft has finally revamped the designs for the eggs, making them actually look like the mob they spawn. Take a look at this cute axolotl one, or this mysterious grey spawn egg for the newest mob added, the creaking:
Luckily for us, Minecraft changed all the designs! You may also have noticed that they now vary in size as well, with smaller mobs having smaller eggs and bigger mobs having bigger eggs.

New wolf sounds
Last year, eight adorable wolf variants became part of the pack — now, they’re getting their own distinct voices! Regardless of their appearance, each wolf will randomly receive one of seven unique audio personalities upon spawning, making your furry companion even more special. From playful to grumpy, wolves will now bark, growl, pant, and whine in their own unique way. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly want more wolves!

Colour-varying leaves
One of the game’s newest additions is already getting changed, slightly. Leaf litter is now tinted slightly based on which biome it’s in — for example, being a more reddish brown in jungles but more yellow-brown in savannas.
This is all part of Minecraft snapshot 25w08a, available to test now on Java and Bedrock.